Virtual Android On Mac

ISO disk images are very important for a computer user. However, if you are not using an updated version of Windows, you might not be able to open these files. This is exactly where a virtual CD ROM software comes to help you.


  • Installing Android on a Mac Installing Virtualbox on the Mac. To start, download Virtualbox for OS X, free of charge, and open the downloaded image. Run the Virtualbox.pkg package and follow the on-screen prompts to install the app on the Mac. Download Android for x86, a modified version of Android that's developed to run on Intel-based computers.
  • Installing Windows 10 on VirtualBox. Now that you’ve installed VirtualBox on your Mac, it’s time to load up your Windows 10 virtual machine. Open Virtual Box (via the “Applications” folder or via a Spotlight Search). In VirtualBox, click “New.”.

Price: Free / $2 per month. BlueStacks is known by many users to be the most.

You can easily mount and read data from the disk, using these exceptional software models. There are hundreds of such software applications available on the internet. You should select one, after reading the features carefully.

Virtual CD ROM Control Panel

You can download this free virtual CD ROM software from the official website of Microsoft. This utility will allow you to mount ISO files easily. Windows 8 users do not need such a software, due to the built in utilities. However, every old versions of Windows require a third party software like this.

RedFox Virtual Clone Drive

Red fox virtual clone drive is an amazing software for virtual disk users. You can download this amazing software without any cost. This virtual CD ROM drive supports various image files such as BIN and CCD. It can support more than 7 virtual drives simultaneously. You can use this software on Windows XP and Windows 7.

gBurner Virtual CD ROM Software

Using the exceptional help of gBurner, you can create virtual disks easily. You can easily access your personal images and software applications with it. Most of the gamers face compatibility issues on various operating systems. You can escape from all these using the virtual CD ROM drive of gBurner software.

Virtual CD Software

This software is very helpful for regular computer users. You don’t have to change the drives or disks manually to access data. This particular software is famous for its fast launch and service. You can get the virtual CD ROM case from virtual CD. If your system does not have any optical drive, this is the best choice you got.

Other Virtual CD ROM Software for Different Platforms

You can get virtual CD ROM software applications for different platforms as well. You should conduct a thorough research on the internet to know more details about these applications. You can get their assistance for installation process. These applications are extremely useful for those who want to access virtual CD ROM drives.

Best Virtual CD ROM Software for Windows – Magic ISO Maker

Magic ISO maker is a virtual CD/DVD maker software. This is completely free to download and use. It supports various formats like fantom CD, VCD, and clone CD. This software has automatic detection feature. Users will be able to open any image file using Magic ISO maker. It is available for Windows 7, 8, XP, and 98 users.

Best Virtual CD ROM Software for Android – DriveDroid

DriveDroid is one of the most useful virtual CD ROM applications for Android users. You can boot your computer programs using ISO images saved in your smartphone. Root permission is required for this application. It can be downloaded directly from Google Play. There are no annoying ads along with this application.

Best Virtual CD ROM Software for MAC – Virtual CD RW

This is the best available virtual CD ROM software for MAC. You don’t need a physical CD or DVD to use this virtual drive. Using this amazing software, you can write or delete files from virtual CDs. You can also use these CDs as many times as you want. These virtual drives are 10 times faster and efficient than their real life counterparts.

More Great Virtual CD ROM Software Applications

Virtual CD RW drive, ISO disk virtual CD ROM software, Ultra ISO virtual CD ROM software, Alcohol Soft virtual CD ROM software, Win CD EMU virtual CD ROM software, Virtual clone drive software, DVD Fab virtual drive, Magic disk, etc… are some of the most popular applications available for you today.

Most Popular Virtual CD ROM Software of 2016 – Extra Drive Creator

Extra drive creator is a Windows based software. You can use this amazing software to create, delete, and read virtual DVDs. This simple application can be used for creating virtual drives on any system. You only need 5mb free disk space for using this program. You can store confidential data on this drive and encrypt it for protection.

What is Virtual CD ROM Software?

Virtual CD ROM software is very helpful for creating extra drives on your computer. You don’t need to connect DVD or USBs to use this application. You can virtually create a drive without a physical equipment. Microsoft Virtual CD ROM for windows 7 and XP can be downloaded directly from their official website.

After downloading a good virtual CD ROM software according to your system features, you can use it to create some virtual space. It is possible to encrypt the data on virtual drive to get maximum protection. You will be able to mount the ISO image on LAN or related networks.

How to Install Virtual CD ROM Software

After downloading the software, you can easily install it. There will be step by step prompt windows, for your assistance. You can follow those simple steps to install the software. Magic iso download for windows 7 and other operating systems is very easy, due to the unlimited support of online resources.

The Benefits of Virtual CD ROM Software

Direct Access : You don’t need any special permissions to use the virtual CD drive. It is possible to read, burn, destroy, and mount data on virtual drives directly.

No Physical System is Required : You don’t need any physical drives or DVDs for creating this virtual driver. This driver will stay virtual, but you can use it like a physical driver.

Formats : These applications support virtually all the ISO image formats such as BIN, IMG, and CCD.

Saves Disk Space : These applications can optimize the image, without reducing the quality. This feature saves a lot of disk space on your computer.

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This article explains how to use the Android Device Manager to createand configure Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) that emulate physical Androiddevices. You can use these virtual devices to run and test your appwithout having to rely on a physical device.

After you have verified that hardware acceleration is enabled (asdescribed inHardware Acceleration for Emulator Performance),the next step is to use the Android Device Manager (also referred toas the Xamarin Android Device Manager) to create virtual devices thatyou can use to test and debug your app.

Android Device Manager on Windows

This article explains how to use the Android Device Manager to create,duplicate, customize, and launch Android virtual devices.

You use the Android Device Manager to create and configure AndroidVirtual Devices (AVDs) that run in theAndroid Emulator.Each AVD is an emulator configuration that simulates a physical Androiddevice. This makes it possible to run and test your app in a variety ofconfigurations that simulate different physical Android devices.


To use the Android Device Manager, you will need the following items:

  • Visual Studio 2019 Community, Professional, or Enterprise.

  • OR Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8 or later is required. Visual StudioCommunity, Professional, and Enterprise editions are supported.

  • Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin version 4.9 or later.

  • The Android SDK must be installed (seeSetting up the Android SDK for Xamarin.Android).Be sure to install the Android SDK at its default location if itis not already installed: C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdk.

  • The following packages must be installed (via theAndroid SDK Manager):

    • Android SDK Tools version 26.1.1 or later
    • Android SDK Platform-Tools 27.0.1 or later
    • Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.3 or later
    • Android Emulator 27.2.7 or later.

    These packages should be displayed with Installed status as seen inthe following screenshot:

Virtual Android On Mac Free

Launching the Device Manager

Launch the Android Device Manager from the Tools menu byclicking Tools > Android > Android Device Manager:

If the following error dialog is presented on launch, see theTroubleshooting section for workaroundinstructions:

Main Screen

When you first launch the Android Device Manager, it presents a screenthat displays all currently-configured virtual devices. For eachvirtual device, the Name, OS (Android Version), Processor,Memory size, and screen Resolution are displayed:

When you select a device in the list, the Start button appears onthe right. You can click the Start button to launch the emulatorwith this virtual device:

After the emulator starts with the selected virtual device, theStart button changes to a Stop button that you can use to haltthe emulator:

New Device

To create a new device, click the New button (located in the upperright-hand area of the screen):

Clicking New launches the New Device screen:

To configure a new device in the New Device screen, use thefollowing steps:

  1. Give the device a new name. In the following example, the new deviceis named Pixel_API_27:

  2. Select a physical device to emulate by clicking the Base Devicepull-down menu:

  3. Select a processor type for this virtual device by clicking theProcessor pull-down menu. Selecting x86 will provide thebest performance because it enables the emulator to take advantageof hardware acceleration.The x86_64 option will also make use of hardware acceleration,but it runs slightly slower than x86 (x86_64 is normallyused for testing 64-bit apps):

  4. Select the Android version (API level) by clicking the OSpull-down menu. For example, select Oreo 8.1 - API 27 to createa virtual device for API level 27:

    If you select an Android API level that has not yet been installed, theDevice Manager will display A new device will be downloadedmessage at the bottom of the screen – it will download andinstall the necessary files as it creates the new virtual device:

  5. If you want to include Google Play Services APIs in your virtualdevice, enable the Google APIs option. To include the GooglePlay Store app, enable the Google Play Store option:

    Note that Google Play Store images are available only for some basedevice types such as Pixel, Pixel 2, Nexus 5, and Nexus 5X.

  6. Edit any properties that you need to modify. To make changes toproperties, seeEditing Android Virtual Device Properties.

  7. Add any additional properties that you need to explicitly set. TheNew Device screen lists only the most commonly-modifiedproperties, but you can click the Add Property pull-down menu(at the bottom) to add additional properties:

    You can also define a custom property by selecting Custom... atthe top of the property list.

  8. Click the Create button (lower right-hand corner) to create thenew device:

  9. You might get a License Acceptance screen. Click Accept ifyou agree to the license terms:

  10. The Android Device Manager adds the new device to the list ofinstalled virtual devices while displaying a Creating progressindicator during device creation:

  11. When the creation process is complete, the new device is shown inthe list of installed virtual devices with a Start button,ready to launch:

Edit Device

To edit an existing virtual device, select the device and click theEdit button (located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen):

Clicking Edit launches the Device Editor for the selected virtual device:

The Device Editor screen lists the properties of the virtual deviceunder the Property column, with the corresponding values of each property inthe Value column. When you select a property, a detailed descriptionof that property is displayed on the right.

To change a property, edit its value in the Value column.For example, in the following screenshot the hw.lcd.density propertyis being changed from 480 to 240:

After you have made the necessary configuration changes, click the Save button.For more information about changing virtual device properties, seeEditing Android Virtual Device Properties.

Additional Options

Additional options for working with devices are available from theAdditional Options (…) pull-down menu in the upperright-hand corner:

The additional options menu contains the following items:

  • Duplicate and Edit – Duplicates the currently-selecteddevice and opens it in the New Device screen with a differentunique name. For example, selecting Pixel_API_27 and clickingDuplicate and Edit appends a counter to the name:

  • Reveal in Explorer – Opens a Windows Explorer window in thefolder that holds the files for the virtual device. For example,selecting Pixel_API_27 and clicking Reveal in Explorer opensa window like the following example:

  • Factory Reset – Resets the selected device to its defaultsettings, erasing any user changes made to the internal state of thedevice while it was running (this also erases the currentQuick Bootsnapshot, if any). This change does not alter modifications that youmake to the virtual device during creation and editing. A dialog boxwill appear with the reminder that this reset cannot be undone. ClickFactory Reset to confirm the reset:

  • Delete – Permanently deletes the selected virtual device. Adialog box will appear with the reminder that deleting a devicecannot be undone. Click Delete if you are certain that you wantto delete the device.


If you are using a Mac with an Apple chip, such as the M1, you will need to install the Android Emulator for M1 preview from GitHub.

Android Device Manager on macOS

This article explains how to use the Android Device Manager to create,duplicate, customize, and launch Android virtual devices.

You use the Android Device Manager to create and configure AndroidVirtual Devices (AVDs) that run in theAndroid Emulator.Each AVD is an emulator configuration that simulates a physical Androiddevice. This makes it possible to run and test your app in a variety ofconfigurations that simulate different physical Android devices.


To use the Android Device Manager, you will need the following items:

  • Visual Studio for Mac 7.6 or later.

  • The Android SDK must be installed (seeSetting up the Android SDK for Xamarin.Android).

  • The following packages must be installed (via theAndroid SDK Manager):

    • SDK tools version 26.1.1 or later
    • Android SDK Platform-Tools 28.0.1 or later
    • Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.3 or later

    These packages should be displayed with Installed status as seen inthe following screenshot:

Launching the Device Manager

Launch the Android Device Manager by clicking Tools > Device Manager:

If the following error dialog is presented on launch, see theTroubleshooting section for workaroundinstructions:

Main Screen

When you first launch the Android Device Manager, it presents a screenthat displays all currently-configured virtual devices. For eachvirtual device, the Name, OS (Android Version), Processor,Memory size, and screen Resolution are displayed:

When you select a device in the list, the Play button appears onthe right. You can click the Play button to launch the emulatorwith this virtual device:

After the emulator starts with the selected virtual device, thePlay button changes to a Stop button that you can use to haltthe emulator:

When you stop the emulator, you may get a prompt asking if you want to savethe current state for the next quick boot:

Saving the current state will make the emulator boot faster when this virtualdevice is launched again. For more information about Quick Boot, seeQuick Boot.

New Device

To create a new device, click the New Device button (located in the upperleft-hand area of the screen):

Clicking New Device launches the New Device screen:

Use the following steps to configure a new device in the New Devicescreen:

  1. Give the device a new name. In the following example, the new deviceis named Pixel_API_27:

  2. Select a physical device to emulate by clicking the Base Devicepull-down menu:

  3. Select a processor type for this virtual device by clicking theProcessor pull-down menu. Selecting x86 will provide thebest performance because it enables the emulator to take advantageof hardware acceleration.The x86_64 option will also make use of hardware acceleration,but it runs slightly slower than x86 (x86_64 is normallyused for testing 64-bit apps):

  4. Select the Android version (API level) by clicking the OSpull-down menu. For example, select Oreo 8.1 - API 27 to createa virtual device for API level 27:

    If you select an Android API level that has not yet been installed,the Device Manager will display A new device will be downloadedmessage at the bottom of the screen – it will download andinstall the necessary files as it creates the new virtual device:

  5. If you want to include Google Play Services APIs in your virtualdevice, enable the Google APIs option. To include the GooglePlay Store app, enable the Google Play Store option:

    Note that Google Play Store images are available only for some basedevice types such as Pixel, Pixel 2, Nexus 5, and Nexus 5X.

  6. Edit any properties that you need to modify. To make changes toproperties, seeEditing Android Virtual Device Properties.

  7. Add any additional properties that you need to explicitly set. TheNew Device screen lists only the most commonly-modifiedproperties, but you can click the Add Property pull-down menu(at the bottom) to add additional properties:

    You can also define a custom property by clicking the top of this property list.

  8. Click the Create button (lower right-hand corner) to create thenew device:

  9. The Android Device Manager adds the new device to the list ofinstalled virtual devices while displaying a Creating progressindicator during device creation:

  10. When the creation process is complete, the new device is shown inthe list of installed virtual devices with a Start button,ready to launch:

Edit Device

To edit an existing virtual device, select the Additional Optionspull-down menu (gear icon) and select Edit:

Clicking Edit launches the Device Editor for the selected virtual device:

The Device Editor screen lists the properties of the virtual deviceunder the Property column, with the corresponding values of each property inthe Value column. When you select a property, a detailed descriptionof that property is displayed on the right.

To change a property, edit its value in the Value column.For example, in the following screenshot the hw.lcd.density propertyis being changed from 480 to 240:

After you have made the necessary configuration changes, click the Save button.For more information about changing virtual device properties, seeEditing Android Virtual Device Properties.

Additional Options

Additional options for working with a device are available from thepull-down menu located to the left of the Play button:

Android On Virtual Machine

The additional options menu contains the following items:

  • Edit – Opens the currently-selected device in the deviceeditor as described earlier.

  • Duplicate and Edit – Duplicates the currently-selecteddevice and opens it in the New Device screen with a differentunique name. For example, selecting Pixel 2 API 28 and clickingDuplicate and Edit appends a counter to the name:

  • Reveal in Finder – Opens a macOS Finder window in thefolder that holds the files for the virtual device. For example,selecting Pixel 2 API 28 and clicking Reveal in Finder opensa window like the following example:

  • Factory Reset – Resets the selected device to its defaultsettings, erasing any user changes made to the internal state of thedevice while it was running (this also erases the currentQuick Bootsnapshot, if any). This change does not alter modifications that youmake to the virtual device during creation and editing. A dialog boxwill appear with the reminder that this reset cannot be undone. ClickFactory Reset to confirm the reset.

  • Delete – Permanently deletes the selected virtual device. Adialog box will appear with the reminder that deleting a devicecannot be undone. Click Delete if you are certain that you wantto delete the device.


The following sections explain how to diagnose and work around problemsthat may occur when using the Android Device Manager to configurevirtual devices.

Android SDK in Non-Standard Location

Typically, the Android SDK is installed at the following location:

C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdk

If the SDK is not installed at this location, you may get this error when you launchthe Android Device Manager:

To work around this problem, use the following steps:

  1. From the Windows desktop, navigate toC:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingXamarinDeviceManager:

  2. Double-click to open one of the log files and locate the Configfile path. For example:

  3. Navigate to this location and double-click user.config to open it.

  4. In user.config, locate the <UserSettings> element and add anAndroidSdkPath attribute to it. Set this attribute to the pathwhere the Android SDK is installed on your computer and save thefile. For example, <UserSettings> would look like the following ifthe Android SDK was installed at C:ProgramsAndroidSDK:

After making this change to user.config, you should be able tolaunch the Android Device Manager.

Wrong Version of Android SDK Tools

If Android SDK tools 26.1.1 or later is not installed, you may see thiserror dialog on launch:

If you see this error dialog, click Open SDK Manager to open theAndroid SDK Manager. In the Android SDK Manager, click the Toolstab and install the following packages:

  • Android SDK Tools 26.1.1 or later
  • Android SDK Platform-Tools 27.0.1 or later
  • Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.3 or later

Snapshot disables WiFi on Android Oreo

If you have an AVD configured for Android Oreo with simulated Wi-Fi access,restarting the AVD after a snapshot may cause Wi-Fi access to become disabled.

To work around this problem,

  1. Select the AVD in the Android Device Manager.

  2. From the additional options menu, click Reveal in Explorer.

  3. Navigate to snapshots > default_boot.

  4. Delete the snapshot.pb file:

  5. Restart the AVD.

After these changes are made, the AVD will restart in a state thatallows Wi-Fi to work again.

Virtual Android On Mac Os

Wrong Version of Android SDK Tools

If Android SDK tools 26.1.1 or later is not installed, you may see thiserror dialog on launch:

If you see this error dialog, click OK to open the Android SDKManager. In the Android SDK Manager, click the Tools tab andinstall the following packages:

  • Android SDK Tools 26.1.1 or later
  • Android SDK Platform-Tools 28.0.1 or later
  • Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.3 or later

Snapshot disables WiFi on Android Oreo

If you have an AVD configured for Android Oreo with simulated Wi-Fi access,restarting the AVD after a snapshot may cause Wi-Fi access to become disabled.

To work around this problem,

  1. Select the AVD in the Android Device Manager.

  2. From the additional options menu, click Reveal in Finder.

  3. Navigate to snapshots > default_boot.

  4. Delete the snapshot.pb file:

  5. Restart the AVD.

After these changes are made, the AVD will restart in a state thatallows Wi-Fi to work again.

Generating a Bug Report

Run Android On Mac

If you find a problem with the Android Device Manager thatcannot be resolved using the above troubleshooting tips, please file abug report by right-clicking the title bar and selecting Generate BugReport:

If you find a problem with the Android Device Manager thatcannot be resolved using the above troubleshooting tips, please file abug report by clicking Help > Report a Problem:


This guide introduced the Android Device Manager available in VisualStudio Tools for Xamarin and Visual Studio for Mac. It explainedessential features such as starting and stopping the Android emulator,selecting an Android virtual device (AVD) to run, creating new virtualdevices, and how to edit a virtual device. It explained how toedit profile hardware properties for further customization, and itprovided troubleshooting tips for common problems.

Virtual Android On Mac

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