About A Second Remaining El Capitan

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Although most users are saying good things about OS X El Capitan, it is not devoid of problems.

About A Second Remaining El Capitan Game

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Like its predecessors, it does have a number of problems including it somehow causing your Mac to be rather slow. This is a common occurrence, especially in older Macs… though newer ones have also been affected. The El Capitan is designed to make your computer run faster – after all, it managed to free up space. In some users though, it has done the opposite: making machines run slower than they did on Yosemite.

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Despite the new features and improvements, some users went as far as dubbing it “El Crapitan”, highlighting the need for fixes to make their slow Mac computers run more smoothly. Apart from which, there are also quite a few problems hounding it: some have been fixed, while others are still around.

Regardless, it’s important to possess a clear mindset and remember that every problem has a solution. We’ve compiled a list of problems, including the speed-related ones, along with their respective fixes.

Speed and performance issues

A slow Mac computer running OS X El Capitan is more common than you think: numerous Mac users have been complaining about it in the Apple Support Forums. Although there are some who claim that their computers’ performance dramatically improved, certain users say the opposite and complain of the following problems:

  • Frozen apps. People with this problem had to use the Force Quit option to gain some semblance of control from their computers again.

About A Second Remaining El Capitan Movie

About A Second Remaining El Capitan
  • Spending time with the spinning beach ball. This is always an unwelcome sight in Mac computers: the spinning beach ball signifies that a Mac is loading slowly or is freezing.
  • Slow boot up. Sure, Macs their time when booting up, but the problem has become noticeable to some Mac users. One even complained that the Dock takes its sweet time to load.
  • Saving files takes longer. This happens regardless of the program you use, whether it’s a word processing one, or a photo editing software.
  • Typing and cursor lag. Though this sounds rather unheard of in today’s computers, several users have complained of delays whenever they type something or whenever they move their cursors. This wouldn’t be surprising if there are programs running in the background.

Fixing a slow Mac

There are several methods you can employ to get rid of the speed issues hounding your Mac. If you don’t want it to run like a “one-legged donkey”, taken from the words of another user in the forums, here are your options:

Clean up your hard drive

The issue may not even be an operating system related one in the first place: it could be that your hard drive is on the brink of being full. If you lighten the strain on your hard drive, your computer is sure to speed up a notch and solve most performance issues.


However, searching for individual files, particularly videos and uninstalled applications, isn’t that simple on a Mac. Consider installing third-party software like CleanMyMac (read our review), an app which can help you get rid of cluttered files that take up a ton of space from a single, central program.

Repair disk permissions with Disk Utility

One of the main reasons why some users are experiencing performance issues in El Capitan is mainly because of the wrongly configured disk permissions. Basically, these are file settings which affects the computer’s ability to read, run, and execute a file. If the permissions are wrongly configured, then the software that uses the file may not be able to run it correctly, causing speed issues.

However, in El Capitan, disk permissions are protected and you can no longer access it. However, you can still repair it using CleanMyMac by going to the maintenance tab and proceeding to the “Repair Disk Permissions”.

Apps running in the background

If you’re complaining that your Mac is running slow when you have a iMovie, Photoshop, and a game running in the background, then you should probably quit all the programs in the background first before airing your grievances online.

You can check out the programs causing the performance issues on the Activity Monitor. To access this simply go to Spotlight or go to the Utilities folder via Applications.


Reinstall El Capitan

If the above mentioned fixes don’t work, then you might have to reinstall El Capitan. You never know, something might have gone wrong during the installation phase. Note that you should only do this as a last resort (unless if you’re willing to downgrade to Yosemite) before you head over to the Apple Store.

To reinstall the operating system, here’s a guide.

Revert back to Yosemite

If you think you’ve done everything you can to salvage your computer and at the same time, keep El Capitan, but to no avail, you can revert back to Yosemite if you want. Do so, especially if you haven’t had any issues with it in the past. However, the whole process will require a lot of effort and a few hours. Here’s a guide by Gotta Be Mobile.

Also note that if your hardware is old and your RAM is four gigabytes max, then you’re bound to have performance issues. In this case, your best bet would be to purchase a new Mac computer.

Apart from the speed and performance issues, there are other, more specific problems as well. Fixing them is a must because after all, they touch on the Mac’s basic and most-used functions.

Slow WiFi problem

Although the slow WiFi problems hounding Yosemite have barely been carried over into El Capitan, you may still encounter some problems. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix this, including:

  • By simply restarting and unplugging your router and the modem. Keep them off for at least 30 seconds to several minutes. This usually does the trick in most cases.
  • Turn your WiFi off on your Mac and turning it back on again after a minute or two.
  • Go to Network Preferences > Advanced then delete the WiFi network the re-add it.
  • Turn off Bluetooth. This can be a problem if you’re using Apple’s newest Bluetooth accessories for Mac, however.

Microsoft Office problems

When Mac users installed El Capitan, the most telling problem was the unresponsiveness of Microsoft Office, which is highlighted by lag and slow loading speeds.

Fortunately, Apple has recently released an El Capitan patch that fixes the problem. You can install the newest patch by heading over to the Apple icon on the left side of the menu bar and by performing a system update. Microsoft also released a patch of its own.

Printer problems

Apparently, El Capitan has trouble printing landscape documents – this arises when users try to print PDF landscape documents using the Preview feature.

Though the best way to solve this problem is to not print PDF documents directly from Preview, there’s one way to fix it by resetting the printing system. Do this by heading over to System Preferences then to Printers & Scanners. Click on the Print tab and right click on the printer and select Reset Printing System. After doing so, restart both your Mac and printer. After doing so, you will be able to print documents without worry.

Battery Life

If you’ve noticed that your Mac’s battery life is shorter than usual after the upgrade, then it’s mainly because of Spotlight. It could be indexing files, which is why it’s using more power than usual. Try to let the whole process finish so Spotlight will be able to run smoothly.

However, if the battery life issue still hasn’t been fixed, you can resort to the following solutions:

  • Using Safari instead of third-party browsers. Sure, Chrome and Firefox may be better compared to Safari, but if considering that Apple’s own browser manages memory better than others, it saves power. The difference may not be initially noticeable, but it works.
  • Reducing screen brightness. Not only does a bright screen hurt the eyes, but it also drains your battery rather quickly. Reduce screen brightness by going to System Preferences then to Displays. Dim down the brightness and be sure to uncheck the Automatically adjust brightness option.

Slow Safari

Another post El Capitan problem is the slower Safari. If you’re experiencing lag and slow loading speeds, simply fix the problem by clearing the cache. Do this by heading over to Safari in the menu bar, clicking Preferences, then Privacy, and finally clicking on the Remove all website data option.

Basically, the cache is designed to quicken loading times by saving certain elements in web pages that you visit often. For example, if you happen to visit a particular blog everyday, the browser takes note of this and downloads certain elements present in it. However, doing too much of this can slow down the browser experience, especially when some of the already-downloaded elements are now outdated.

Overall, a slow Mac can always be fixed . Though it has had its host of problems, this does not change the fact that it’s arguably one of Apple’s best operating systems in recent memory.

The above article has been prepared specifically to commemorate the 59th death anniversary of Captain Zdzisław Broński, nom de guerre ‘Uskok’. The author of this article is Artur Piekarz, a historian of the Lublin branch of the Institute of National Remembrance [Pol. acr. IPN], to whom we are extremely grateful for making the text available to us and for permission to have it published.

The death of Captain ‘Uskok’ – Part 1

Captain Zdzislaw Bronski, nom de guerre ‘Uskok’ was one of the most active and one of the least compromising commandants of the anti-communist partisan units in the province of Lublin. During 1944-47 his military unit carried out several famous missions against the Communist Regime, undoubtedly becoming the most dangerous opponent to the ‘New People's Power’ enthusiasts within the borders of the districts of Lubartow and Lublin.

The role of Bronski as a leader grew immensely after 1947. The amnesty announced by the communists brought about a lot of damage to the ‘resistance structures’ of the province of Lublin and in general, caused the efflux of soldiers from partisan units. However, ‘Uskok’ was one of those military leaders who was firmly against coming out of hiding. His views were widely shared by his soldiers and so out of his 40-men squad only 5 decided to take advantage of the 'privilege'.

Left: A group of soldiers from the ‘Uskok’ unit during mobilisation gathering in the forests of Kozlow (stary Tartak), July 1944. Standing in the first row: fourth from the left – Second Lieutenant Zdzislaw Bronski, nom de guerre ‘Uskok’, fifth from the left – Sergeant Kocyla, nom de guerre ‘Jastrzab’ [Eng.tr.Hawk], sixth from the left – Zygmunt Libera, nom de guerre ‘Babinicz’; sitting: first from the right – Jan Mendel, nom de guerre ‘Czarny’ [Eng.tr.Black].

Following the order of the Freedom and Independence [Pol.acr. WiN] District Headquarters for the city of Lublin of 12th September 1947, Captain Zdzislaw Bronski, nom de guerre ‘Uskok’ was appointed Commandant of the partisan units spanning the region of the former Lublin Inspectorate. In the absence of the Inspector, the order was sent to ‘Uskok’ by Major Hieronim Dekutowski, nom de guerre ‘Zapora’ [Eng. tr. 'Firewall'], up till then Commandant of the partisan units in the Inspectorate Region. In addition to determining subordination of the armed troops, the guidelines from the District Headquarters would also regulate the terms of practical leading of the units in the field. The area of the former inspectorate was divided into two parts: the command of the combat groups based in the north of the city of Lublin became directly ‘Uskok’s responsibility; whereas Second Lieutenant / Lieutenant Mieczyslaw Pruszkiewicz, nom de guerre ‘Kedziorek’ [Eng. tr. 'Lock of Hair'] up to then the leader of the few remaining soldiers from the unit of ‘Renek’ (Jan Szalilow) would take over the combat groups based in the south of the city. The order also specified that the District Headquarters were clear as to what task would face the new commander. ‘Uskok’ was to prohibit any offensive actions in the region of his authority and thus he was limited only to self – defence. This was understandable as after the Amnesty and the spring/summer Ministry [of Public Security] formations’ attacks in the armed forces operating in the province of Lublin (patrolling squads which suffered in particular were: ‘Strzala’ [Eng. tr. 'Arrow'] and ‘Wiktor’ reporting directly to ‘Uskok’), the headcount of groups reporting to Major ‘Zapora’ decreased to only a few dozen men and so at that stage there was absolutely no point even considering any large-scale, offensive missions.

In these new, post-April 1947 conditions, the few still remaining in hiding partisans in principle had but two choices: to remain in hiding and await the outbreak of a new conflict, or try to get to the West. Major ‘Zapora’ was one of those who decided to use the latter option and it was his plan to try and, in a few rounds, get the most compromised soldiers from the old unit across the Western border as well. However, the vast majority of those ‘Irreconcilables’ decided to remain in place.

When it comes to Bronski, this decision was taken probably a few months earlier. The evidence of this could be certain steps taken by him involving change the style of commanding of his own unit. First of all, he decided to choose permanent quarters for himself and his staff, and consequently gave up the direct command of the armed groups in the field. He then divided the unit into three patrolling squads, led by: Second Lieutenant Stanislaw Kuchcewicz, nom de guerre ‘Wiktor’; Sergeant Major Walenty Waskowicz, nom de guerre ‘Strzala’ [Eng. tr. 'Arrow']; Sergeant Jozef Franczak, nom de guerre ‘Lalek’/’Lalus’. These groups, usually consisting of no more than a few men would operate in the south-eastern part of the province of Lubartow, north-eastern part of the province of Lublin and the western part of the province of Wlodawa, Chelm and Krasnystaw. Every now and then Bronski would arrange organisational meetings with the leaders of those squads (contact was often limited due to the continued presence of several secret police formations in the area). Such leadership style meant that commanders subordinated to him had a lot of freedom in conducting the partisan warfare.

Left: : Zdzislaw Bronski, nom de guerre ‘Uskok’ (left), Stanislaw Kuchcewicz, nom de guerre ‘Wiktor’ (right).

Either still in autumn 1946 or no later than early spring 1947 ‘Uskok’ with ‘Wiktor’ and the chief of his unit Second Lieutenant Zygmunt Libera, nom de guerre ‘Babinicz’, started building an underground bunker in a barn belonging to Wiktor and Mieczyslaw Lisowski in the village of Dabrowka, near Leczna. From now on this was going to be Bronski’s main quarters. The choice of location was not accidental. The farm was located remotely, off the beaten track, situated on the hilly slope full of trees and shrubs. There were probably around 100 metres to the nearest buildings. At the foot of the hill, stretched a vast valley of the river ‘Wieprz’ which could be accessed through the nearby ravine. Such a location would make it difficult to be watched from the outside and at the same time it gave a real chance of escape in case of a raid. However, the main factor which sealed the choice of the location of the bunker was the fact that the owners – Wiktor and Katarzyna Lisowscy and their son Mieczyslaw (nom de guerre ‘Zagiel’ [Eng. tr. 'Sail']) – were old and trusted colleagues and their farm had already served as the hiding place for the soldiers of ‘Uskok’.

Having arrested Major ‘Zapora’ (16th September 1947), the WUBP in Lublin commenced the mission of breaking down the armed units still remaining in hiding. In the first instance action has been taken to eradicate ‘Zapora’s successor.

Bronski was considered a much more dangerous leader than other ‘Irreconcilables’ as, having a massive experience of resistance and combat going back to 1939, he was enjoying the widespread respect and support of the vast majority of rural inhabitants of the provinces of Lublin and Lubartow. His authority and charisma were also acknowledged by the leaders of other partisan units, including cooperating with him Edward Taraszkiewicz, nom de guerre ‘Zelazny [Eng. tr. 'Iron Man'] and Jozef Strug, nom de guerre ‘Ordon’.

Actions taken by officers of the WUBP in Lublin and the PUBP in Lubartow did not however bring the expected results for nearly two years. Although the losses to the groups directly reporting to ‘Uskok’ were quite severe, Bronski himself remained elusive until spring 1949. The grand finale of the long-term battle between the UB and ‘Uskok’ took place only on 19-21st May 1949. It was as a result of getting one of the former soldier of ‘Uskok’ – Franciszek Kasperek, ps. ‘Hardy’ [Eng. tr. 'Arrogant'] who revealed himself in 1947, to cooperate with the Ministry [of Public Security]. The methodical cooperation with the informant ‘Janek’ – because this was the pseudonym he was given by the UB – resulted in the ultimate detection of the hideout of ‘Uskok’.

Left: : Franciszek Kasperek, nom de guerre ‘Hardy’ - Polish secret police informant ‘Janek’

On 28th December 1948 a clerk of the PUBP in Lubartow, Boleslaw Gol, received an official report from Franciszek Kasperek in which, of his own accord, he gave the presumed location of bunkers and names of those who helped the hiding partisans. This information proved to be interesting enough for the UB to start using him as an informant. Kasperek was officially asked to cooperate on 7th January 1949 by a senior clerk of the PUBP in Lubartow – Marian Radomski in the presence of the Head of the PUBP – Lucjan Lykus. Informant ‘Janek’ became a key figure in the operation against ‘Uskok’. Until 14th May 1949 ‘Janek’ submitted 14 reports which admittedly did not initially produce the expected information on the whereabouts of ‘Uskok’ but just two days later everything changed drastically.

On 16th May 1949 a senior clerk of the PUBP in Lubartow, Marian Radomski received another report from ‘Janek’: 'On 13th May 1949 ‘Babinicz’ sent Jozef Gasior, residing in the village of Ziolkow, to Lublin to charge the radio station batteries. Gasior did not return from Lublin until 14th May 1949 which was Saturday.

In the evening of 14th May 1949 I went to see Gasior to find out where he had been and why. On my arrival at Gasior’s he told me that he went to Lublin from where he brought acids, photographic materials and the battery. After approximately one hour Gasior’s older brother came in with Zygmunt Libera, nom de guerre ‘Babinicz,’ wearing civilian clothes and boots, and armed with two guns [...] Then we had a drink and I gave ‘Babinicz’ four pieces of ammunition for his ‘pepesha’ when ‘Babinicz’ told me that they were suffering from the lack of ammunition and grenades. At these words I offered that as long as he collects them, I can give him a grenade and some ammunition. I said I didn’t want to bring them to him because I was afraid, to which ‘Babinicz’ agreed and declared that he would pick them up, he just needed to contact ‘Uskok’ first. He told me that he would see ‘Uskok’ on Sunday night and if that’s the case he would come alone or with ‘Uskok’ around Thursday or Friday, i.e. 19-20th May 1949. Then they asked me which was the safest way, I explained it and then with small amendments he decided that the best would be to walk from Gasior’s farm between the forest and the village of Janoszowka, through the field to the borders of Wolka Nowa – Radzic I and my balk. Then he requested that my dog is indoors on those days and not barking [...].' [1]

Head of PUBP in Lubartow, Lieutenant Lucjan Lykus didn’t receive this data (or didn’t decide to use it) probably until 19th May 1949. He informed the Commander of the ‘W’ Operational Group about it, who passed the message on to the staff of the 3rd KBW Brigade. The Head of the Operations-Reconnaissance Section left for Lubartow immediately, in order to develop a joint plan of action.

During the talks with Head of the PUBP and Commander of the Operational Group ‘W’, it was decided that two separate ambushes would be set up in the village of Wolka-Nowa Kijanska, with the arrangements as follows:

1. The first one, in the strength of 1 + 5 and one UB officer, under the command of Lieutenant Superczynski in a meadow by the stream

2. The second one, in the strength of 1 + 4 and two UB officers, under the command of Sergeant Major Dryla in a barn on the premises of Franciszek Kasperek.

The commander reserves in the strength of 6 men with the radio station were deployed at the Wolka-Nowa Kijanska village-edge of the forest. On 19th May at 10pm the above subgroups defined their positions and were ready to attack.


Notes: [1] IPN Lu 020/48, The Object Case of Stanislaw Kuchcewicz, The Report of the Informant ‘Janek’, 16th May 1949, k.56-57.