Mactex El Capitan

  1. (train) The Pennsylvanian is a 444-mile (715 km) daily daytime Amtrak train running between New York and Pittsburgh via Philadelphia. The trains travel across the Appalachian Mountains, through Pennsylvania 's capital Harrisburg, the Pennsylvania Dutch Country, suburban and central Philadelphia, and New Jersey en route to New York.
  2. The TeX Live Guide—2021. Karl Berry, editor March 2021.
  3. Mac OS X El Capitan is not for public consumption This is a beta release, and not public at this point (i.e., you likely signed an NDA to get it) All features are subject to change, and mucking around in nvram is inadvisable unless you really know what you're doing.

For a couple of years now, TeXstudio is my favorite IWE (Integrated Writing Environment) for LaTeX. Last year, I switched from Windows to OS X, but I didn’t take my LaTeX environment with me. Since I’m going to need LaTeX more often in the next time, I finally set it up on OS X 10.11 El Capitan. Unfortunately, this was not an easy task. And here’s why:

El Capitan導入後にしたこと. Homebrewのメンテナンス $ brew doctor を実行し,出てくる指示に従って,お掃除をした。 mactexの設定修正; いつもお世話になっている奥村先生のサイト情報にしたがって,以下を実行した。. Le Talon(ルタロン)のその他シューズ「レザーポインテッドフラット」(2030)をセール価格で購入できます。.

Installing MacTeX and TeXstudio

The most common TeX distribution on Mac is MacTeX, and this distribution is incredibly huge: MacTeX’s installation package is about 2.3 gigabytes in size. The distribution contains all important TeX binaries, Ghostscript and some GUI tools for managing packets or modifying global TeX settings. (There’s also a way smaller distribution called BasicTeX, whose package is only 109 megabytes in size. However, I haven’t tested this distribution in combination with TeXstudio.)

Okay, installing a package is easy so far. But after you have installed MacTeX and TeXstudio, you will find that TeXstudio reports that it’s not able to find a LaTeX distribution. Huh, why is that?

Keep Out, Super User!

“Don’t touch my system folders” — El Capitan

El Capitan’s all-new System Integrity Protection disallows modifying system folders such as /usr or /sbin even if you are granted super user rights. Those system folders can be modified with system rights only – for a good reason.

Hence, El Capitan doesn’t only prevent you from installing (linking) the binaries of MacTeX to the very common location of TeX distributions in /usr/texbin, it even breaks your existing installations of MacTeX if you upgrade from Yosemite or earlier versions of OS X to El Capitan.

TeXstudio looks for a tex distribution in the /usr/texbin folder only, and obviously won’t find it there. Therefore, you have to remap all commands usally found in /usr/texbin to the new location in /Library/TeX/texbin:

If you installed MacTeX and experience problems with the GUI or command line tools (or both) because of missing paths or binary files, make sure you execute the Setup-2015.pkg package in the TeX folder in Applications. This fixes the paths to the TeX distribution in Library.

Note: You can also perform those steps on versions of OS X prior to El Capitan. In this case your TeX environment will continue to work after upgrading to El Capitan.

Mactex El CapitanCapitan

Configuring TeXstudio for Git

Git is one of the most advanced version control systems around. However, TeXstudio only includes support for the older and less powerful Subversion (SVN). At the time of this writing, the feature request regarding Git support is more than four years old. But thanks to Git’s support for aliases, you can map SVN’s commit command ci to Git’s commit command (source):

git config --global 'commit'

Finally, you have to set git as the command for SVN and SVNADMIN. Now you can enable automated commits to keep intermediate results of your progress.

If you have another IWE or use other tools that don’t find your MacTeX installation, make sure to check out this guide by Herbert Schultz about upgrading your TeX environment to El Capitan.

Mactex 2019 El Capitan

Et voilà! Your TeX environment on El Captian is up and running.

Mactex El Capitan

El Capitan! Great! The new version of the OS X operating system. New features, new fonts, new problems… I knew that updating was going to bring some unexpected problems with my applications, but I wanted to update… And ditto, as soon as I tried to take a look under the hood for a couple of things I realised that a fresh installation of homebrewwas going to be needed.

More importantly, with my new book on data science (aka “Data Science and Analytics with Python”), LaTeX is probably one of the most used things in my computer. So, I wanted to check that things were fine and although I could compile (currently trying to finish Chapter 3 in case you are wondering) but there were some issues here and there, for example TeX Live thought I was using version 0 (yes zero!) and it could not find some files.

It turns out that El Capitan does not let us write to /usr and the 2015 TeX distribution creates symbolic links to /usr/texbin, is removed (if it was there from a previous OS version) and cannot be installed. If a GUI looks by default at that location it will sadly no longer find it. That is why the terminal was not affected! (Phew!)

Mactex El Capitan 3

The solution is to tell the broken applications to look at /Library/TeX/texbin, in /Library/TeX which is “owned” by MacTEX so is allowed by El Capitan. So to fix Tex Live do the following:

  • Open TEX Live Utility Preferences and click on the Choose. . .
  • That opens a file chooser. Type Shift-Cmd-G , enter /Library/TeX into the dialog box and then press Return .
  • Finally Double-Click on texbin
  • Et voilà

Texshop El Capitan

For more info see this link.